Agrupamento de Escolas Elias Garcia
Projetos Erasmus+ KA2
Parcerias estratégicas: Parcerias estratégicas nos domínios da educação e formação

Let´s share culture and history, using modern techniques and methods of learning and teaching


 Partner Schools / Countries

it Istituo Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco - F. de Carolis, San Marco in Lamis, Italy

gr 35 primary school, Patras, Greece

pl  Szkola Podstawowa, Garwolin, Poland (coordinator school)

pt  Agrupamento de Escolas Elias Garcia,Sobreda, Portugal

  • Project summary - Here you can find some information about the Let´s share culture and history, using modern techniques and methods of learning and teaching.
  • Presentations

  • Guide with ideas about modern methods and techniques of learning and teaching
    • Browse this guide which includes ideas, techniques and methods connected with learning and teaching that teachers shared during the project.
  • Meetings
    • 1st project meeting, October 2017, in Garwolin, Poland
    • 2nd short term student exchange and teacher training, May 2018, in Garwolin, Poland
    • 3rd short term student exchange and teacher training, November 2018, in San Giovanni Bosco, Italy
    • 4th short term student exchange and teacher training, March 2019, in Patras, Greece
